Ducks were waiting…
2 Dec 2018
Recently I wanted a photo to decorate a email when I was writing to a friend.
And I picked up this shot from the pile of my photos.
(^ v ^)
A couple of ducks were strolling around our old rusty boat ramp/slope/rails
as they were waiting for some pieces of bread which would be given by my husband or me.
I took this shot at the jetty of our boathouse.
I didn’t know ducks love the crust more than soft parts of the bread.
But every duck whom I met definitely loves the crust far more!
(Maybe because the parts are more aromatic than soft parts. )
While the fishes love soft parts,
And actually my husband loves feeding them so much!
So everybody were so happy at such moments.
(^ v ^)
Look at his eye!
He is waiting for bread…
Those couples were so cute!!!
I also love feeding them so much.
I miss them.....
(T o T)
I had only one lens (100mm Macro lens) for my main camera in those days (now I have one more, 16-35mm).
But in this case, I could be so close to them because they trusted me as a familiar feeder.
So I didn’t need to feel to want to longer lens and I could take shots of them enough closely.
But I cropped it to 4/5 size to show them more closely.
And I like the result!
(^ o ^)
Thank you for reading this post.
(^ v ^)
I wish you a joyful day.